Even in Iowa City it's not always easy to find a third place where you don't have to buy anything. The last few months, I've been inviting women friends over on a Saturday afternoon to talk shit and eat the food I make. I call it a "ladies tea", but we're not all drinking just tea. I was overwhelmed by how many of the women wrote me after the first one to tell me how much they needed that. Community is everything, especially in small towns that need help.

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Appreciate you sharing your method for a third place. Finding the balance between supporting yourself/friends and small businesses is key. Community is everything, and I'm glad you are creating it for yourself and others.

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As a library worker I second the idea of libraries as third places. Come on in, the reading is fine. Great little piece!

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Thanks for checking this out. Living my life at several different libraries across rural Iowa and in Iowa City. Couldn't think of a better place to hang.

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I always look forward to your blog; it is so beautiful and so well put! Thank you for giving us this slice of your life.

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I have not been to Marengo for a while. Most of the people I visited are in the Hwy 6 cemetery. The town square with fountain could be your third space in a few months. I enjoyed your insights and creative writing. Carry on.

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Thanks for reading this one, Mary. That fountain and bandstand have been in my sights for something: a reading? a concert? some kind of be-in? who knows. Stay tuned, and thanks again for checking this one out.

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It's not just the substance of your writing, Avery, but your clever turns of phrase. This piece represents the best blend, but I'd even read you if writing about Brussels sprouts.

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Thanks for the kind words, Glenn. As a person whose day job is in the produce section at a grocery store, I've got a lot of thoughts on Brussels sprouts...

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Loved this, Avery! Thank you. Brought me home to Parnell for a while. Yes, Iowa County does need help, but we will never be hopeless.

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Thanks for reading, Kathi. We are hanging in there, and finding community when and where we can.

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I tried to "Recommend" your blog but it wouldn't work. I guess I don't know what I'm doing. Great piece.

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Thanks for giving it a look, and for trying to send it out into the void!

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Enjoyed this. We live on family farm north of Blairstown . Husband ,myself and two daughters graduated from U of Iowa. W e never left it mentally. It is our place to go when we need joy. Oldest daughter lives in Baltimore .youngest lives on a small farm near Montrose. Enjoyed your writing.

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Hey Helen, Thanks for reading and for doing it from nearby. Spent some time up there last fall at the Blairstown Demo Derby. You can find some pictures and a link to the essay here:


There's still life out here yet...Thanks again.

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Lemme know how the library goes. :)

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My dude! I love your writing! I think I am your doppelgänger here in Nebraska! Cat enthusiast and owner—check! Old house with a Trumper next door—check! Pollinator garden—check! Seeking a third place of the non-church type—check! Farmer grandparents—check! Wandering around town, forlorn, seeking friendship—check, check! To stubborn to give up on rural America check mate!

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Thanks for checking this one out. Turns out there are a few of us still sprinkled out here in the sticks. Helps to know you are out there making a go of it, too. Stay in touch!

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